Berserk 330

  » Posted July 17th, 2012 by DrPepperPro


There’s a break, it’ll resume sometime in the fall.

107 Responses to “Berserk 330”

  1. Silent Bob Says:

    Autumn in Japan is sept-nov
    a new chapter is due this friday… 12th
    Phireo said it already.

  2. Mystyc Vegeta Says:

    oh yeah, missed that line :)) guess roughly one week till berserk

  3. farq Says:

    Preview of 331 at (scroll down). Looks like we might be sticking with Guts and co. for the time being. 🙂

  4. farq Says:

    Raw is out! Looks amazing! Can’t wait for the translation. 😀

    Also, next one comes out October 26 (i.e. in 2 weeks!). My prediction is we get 3 or 4 before another few months break. Seems to be the pattern the last couple years.

  5. Marax Says:

    thanks for the post Team evil-genius you really are the best Berserk is the most Awesome manga i have ever read so far

  6. Pablo Says:

    October looks nice to me now!

  7. TicO Says:

    For those who know Spanish here is the chapter 331 from Utopia

    Para los que sabemos español aca esta el capitulo 331 de Utopia

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